Remember the days, oh say six months ago, when contests were a dime a dozen? Where did that expression come from anyways. When our past contest flopped like a hooked fish it raised concerns that no cares about contests anymore, or perhaps there are too many. Since then the only one I’ve heard about is Platinum Studio’s Comic Book Challenge. Does this mean you have to be a big guy and give away something more then just a couple hundred dollars to get the attention of the web comic community?
In an attempt to prove that sentiment wrong Erik Bouchard of the Eyeskream group is having their third annual contest. These contests always herald a new version of the site and this is no different. What I find when I went to the new front page was the most professional redesign I’ve seen in a long time. But what are the stakes for the new contest and what is the prize. In celebration of 3 years the EWCG is putting together their first print compendium and they are looking for a cover. You heard me. The winner of the best cover art design gets on the cover of the print magazine.
Returning to the Comic Book Challenged the entry phase has ended and the top 50 have been chosen. Now comes the phase where those contestants pitch their ideas to a panel of judges in San Diego during Comic-Con. These 50 are coming from around the world and the top 10 picked by the judges will have to submit themselves to you, the web comics community to win the grand prize.
You didn’t know about Small Press Idol?
As for your own contest, why not go back to the idea of supplying a drawing and seeing how many people can use it to create their own comic? I liked that one, myself.