M.O.C.C.A.cino Wrap

So, I spent the weekend at the glorious M.O.C.C.A. Festival in New York City at the Puck Building and, before I commence my paltry epilogue, I feel I should tell you that I didn’t get much sleep, I drank an heroic amount, and I had a table to schill my own wares from my other job.

That said, I was very happy to see that there were so many more webcomicers than last year. As a fan of all types of comics, I was also happy to see some of the non-webcomicers, but I’m not allowed to talk about that or Daku will put me in the dark place again.

It’s really dark there.

Dumbrella, Dayfree Press, and the Playground Ghosts were representing on the collective front. I saw a few other webcomic folks I didn’t recognize, but I was too tired or drunk to remember – so, if you’re one of those, do comment and say “I was there! Screw you, Mr. Hian!” and feel free to paraphrase. Just riff, you know?

I could talk about the folks I saw or didn’t see for paragraphs, but if I were going to do that, I might as well just direct you to the list of exhibitors.

The important thing to know is that the MOCCA Festival is growing and I like it.

The more important thing is more a subject for one of Pookey G’s essays, but, he wasn’t there so I get to tell you… maybe we’ll trade and he can do the news on Friday instead. The MOCCA Festival is, more than anything else, for independent comics and as a bonus it’s really fun and friendly. As a double plus bonus, it’s in NYC.

Its friendliness and independant bent are natural draws for the webcomics community and I forsee more webcomics coming to MOCCA next year. Partially because I advocate coming. It’s fun, there’s lots of coffee, and it’s cool environment to meet people… it is a bad place to sleep or be sober.

Also Klio was pretty cool.

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About iank

Ian has studied Latin, German, Classical Greek, French, Linguistics, and Theater. When he was a kid he wanted to be a dinosaur and, later, an English teacher. At some point, this proved unfeasible and so he went on to be a juggler, a musician, a bartender, an inventory manager, and, once, an efficiency consultant. He has loved comics since he wanted to be a dinosaur and his love continues to this very day, from Alan Moore\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'s Miracle Man (nee Marvel Man) to the Far Side. He even makes some of his own.

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