To remind you that there is a funtastic contest going on and to inspire you to new heights of comedy and, perhaps more importantly, participation, I have created a comic which I cannot enter. Please participate in this contest and please, please don’t use Comic Sans.
Here’s my contribution.
Click for larger version-
NB: I do not actually know if the Blank Label guys wear pants during their podcasts, but they were wearing pants when I met them.
Hey, I thought the rule for telling people not to use Comic Sans is that you have to tell them where to find better fonts for free elsewhere.
I was unaware of this rule, but, Blambot is a good start. You could also do something like search for \”free fonts\” at your local search engine.
I\’m not saying that you can\’t use Comic Sans, I\’m only saying that if you do, it is possible that I will be more dismissive of your entry than if you used a font with a sense of decency.