I don’t think I even need to comment about this.
You didn’t actually think I would let this go by without comment? Our new favorite guys in getting web comics into print have upped the ante. 01Comics announced their new Print-on-Demand Live Beta Test! Going live on January 30, 2006 Ka-blam is accepting orders as a part of their Beta Testing project. From the Press Release:
The beta test is NOT about figuring out how to print comic books, says 01comics.com President Barry Gregory. Ka-blam has been printing comic books for several weeks now. Our print quality is superlative. We’re firing on all cylinders. All comics printed and shipped during our beta testing will be of the same superior quality that we will always insist upon. The beta test is about testing our software, testing our online Queue — which, by the way, is a feature that we think creators are really going to appreciate, testing our overall service, and establishing turnaround times with some degree of accuracy.
This beta test is for a limited, pre-determined number of orders. When the number is reached, they will temporarily stop processing new orders until the beta test is complete. All orders accepted as a part of the Beta test will receive a 20% discount.