This is it folks. The We Love Web Comics Contest will be over soon. Today is the last day we will be accepting entries, so if you are still furiously sketching, inking, and coloring better kick it into overdrive. Remember that we are on the East Coast of the US, so if you are in Australia or the UK and you think it’s too late it may not be.
So far, this contest has been quite a success. We have had a lot of fun looking at all the cool and funny comics people have come up with for us and we certainly want to thank you all for participating. Once the contest is over we will be making blog posts with the contest entries so everyone gets a moment to shine along with links to their site. We’ll also set up a contest entry page where everyone’s work will be permanently on display.
The hours tick by. If you want a chance to get your grubby mitts on a big steamy pile of web comics you better hurry. Good luck everyone!