Flying Ferret

This is our first review of 5 from the Eyeskream comics group. It’s rare to find a superhero strip that’s funny after spending most of my life reading the dramatic ones. In Flying Ferret we have one that comes pretty close. It is written and drawn by Douglas Curtis and follows an unlikely “augmented vigilante” by the name of Flying Ferret. The best way to describe it is as a spoof on superheroes with FF embodying whether a superhero should truly have anything to “angst” over.

The overall style of the strip is reminiscent of the golden age of comics. The art work is good when depicted super strong heroes but lags when depicting non superheroes and women. Everything is in color and Douglas does an excellent job of the fact it is a webcomic. The panels are rarely lined up and if a thought bubble is too big he moves it outside of the frame.The writing is decent but it is hard to be objective after having watched The Tick years back but there is plenty of room left uncovered. This script will show improvement once the writer becomes more comfortable and starts really exaggerating and being ridiculous.


1 thought on “Flying Ferret

  1. Thanks, guys!!! I really appreciate the review! I\’m glad you found Eyeskream and all of its fine writer/artists!

    I shall take your comments to heart. 🙂

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